perpetuallycaffeinated: screaming with someone about headcanons and fanfic scenarios to the point of capslock and despair #on pretty much a daily basis now#and it is problematic#and beautiful#and ridiculous THERE IS NOTHING PROBLEMATIC OR RIDICULOUS
perpetuallycaffeinated: screaming with someone about headcanons and fanfic scenarios to the point of capslock and despair #on pretty much a daily basis now#and it is problematic#and beautiful#and ridiculous THERE IS NOTHING PROBLEMATIC OR RIDICULOUS
perpetuallycaffeinated: screaming with someone about headcanons and fanfic scenarios to the point of capslock and despair #on pretty much a daily basis now#and it is problematic#and beautiful#and ridiculous THERE IS NOTHING PROBLEMATIC OR RIDICULOUS
perpetuallycaffeinated: screaming with someone about headcanons and fanfic scenarios to the point of capslock and despair #on pretty much a daily basis now#and it is problematic#and beautiful#and ridiculous THERE IS NOTHING PROBLEMATIC OR RIDICULOUS