victoriousvocabulary: PUELLA [noun] 1. a maiden; young woman; maid. 2. a girl, a lass; a female child. Etymology: from Latin puellus (“a little boy”), contracted from puerulus (“a little boy, a little slave”), the diminutive of puer (“boy”).
victoriousvocabulary: PUELLA [noun] 1. a maiden; young woman; maid. 2. a girl, a lass; a female child. Etymology: from Latin puellus (“a little boy”), contracted from puerulus (“a little boy, a little slave”), the diminutive of puer (“boy”).
victoriousvocabulary: PUELLA [noun] 1. a maiden; young woman; maid. 2. a girl, a lass; a female child. Etymology: from Latin puellus (“a little boy”), contracted from puerulus (“a little boy, a little slave”), the diminutive of puer (“boy”).
victoriousvocabulary: PUELLA [noun] 1. a maiden; young woman; maid. 2. a girl, a lass; a female child. Etymology: from Latin puellus (“a little boy”), contracted from puerulus (“a little boy, a little slave”), the diminutive of puer (“boy”).
victoriousvocabulary: PUELLA [noun] 1. a maiden; young woman; maid. 2. a girl, a lass; a female child. Etymology: from Latin puellus (“a little boy”), contracted from puerulus (“a little boy, a little slave”), the diminutive of puer (“boy”).