vesperstardust: Operation Sniper Friendship: activate Plan BYou can’t be mad, he brought you beer, it’s the rule.For parallelpie! (“sniper trying to fix his van and engineer is trying really hard to get sniper to let him help with his van but sniper
vesperstardust: Operation Sniper Friendship: activate Plan BYou can’t be mad, he brought you beer, it’s the rule.For parallelpie! (“sniper trying to fix his van and engineer is trying really hard to get sniper to let him help with his van but sniper
vesperstardust: Operation Sniper Friendship: activate Plan BYou can’t be mad, he brought you beer, it’s the rule.For parallelpie! (“sniper trying to fix his van and engineer is trying really hard to get sniper to let him help with his van but sniper
vesperstardust: Operation Sniper Friendship: activate Plan BYou can’t be mad, he brought you beer, it’s the rule.For parallelpie! (“sniper trying to fix his van and engineer is trying really hard to get sniper to let him help with his van but sniper
vesperstardust: Operation Sniper Friendship: activate Plan BYou can’t be mad, he brought you beer, it’s the rule.For parallelpie! (“sniper trying to fix his van and engineer is trying really hard to get sniper to let him help with his van but sniper