minnymoon1360: mrdraklin: The four Diamonds of Steven Universe. Re-edited for missing pieces and inconsistencies, now brought together for your viewing pleasure. So cool
minnymoon1360: mrdraklin: The four Diamonds of Steven Universe. Re-edited for missing pieces and inconsistencies, now brought together for your viewing pleasure. So cool
minnymoon1360: mrdraklin: The four Diamonds of Steven Universe. Re-edited for missing pieces and inconsistencies, now brought together for your viewing pleasure. So cool
minnymoon1360: mrdraklin: The four Diamonds of Steven Universe. Re-edited for missing pieces and inconsistencies, now brought together for your viewing pleasure. So cool
minnymoon1360: mrdraklin: The four Diamonds of Steven Universe. Re-edited for missing pieces and inconsistencies, now brought together for your viewing pleasure. So cool