yuki-menoko: I’ve been busy as of recent so I haven’t had any time to work on this, but with that outta the way, I can finish up the last cosplay B) Edit: Here’s the one with Gallade Libre B)
yuki-menoko: I’ve been busy as of recent so I haven’t had any time to work on this, but with that outta the way, I can finish up the last cosplay B) Edit: Here’s the one with Gallade Libre B)
yuki-menoko: I’ve been busy as of recent so I haven’t had any time to work on this, but with that outta the way, I can finish up the last cosplay B) Edit: Here’s the one with Gallade Libre B)
yuki-menoko: I’ve been busy as of recent so I haven’t had any time to work on this, but with that outta the way, I can finish up the last cosplay B) Edit: Here’s the one with Gallade Libre B)