ukpuru: Left: An anthropomorphic female terracotta figurine found in the Odukpani area near Calabar, Nigeria with curvilinear designs on body, ca. 11th - 15th century CE. Photo: Ekpo Eyo. Right: Calabar Efik maiden decorated with curvilinear designs,
ukpuru: Left: An anthropomorphic female terracotta figurine found in the Odukpani area near Calabar, Nigeria with curvilinear designs on body, ca. 11th - 15th century CE. Photo: Ekpo Eyo. Right: Calabar Efik maiden decorated with curvilinear designs,
ukpuru: Left: An anthropomorphic female terracotta figurine found in the Odukpani area near Calabar, Nigeria with curvilinear designs on body, ca. 11th - 15th century CE. Photo: Ekpo Eyo. Right: Calabar Efik maiden decorated with curvilinear designs,