commanderbutts: So I tried putting some hair on him. I sorta do like it but I might try a different style for his crotch. Thoughts? Also this file is almost 300mb in size. Anyone else have drawing files that large? (~。~?)
commanderbutts: So I tried putting some hair on him. I sorta do like it but I might try a different style for his crotch. Thoughts? Also this file is almost 300mb in size. Anyone else have drawing files that large? (~。~?)
commanderbutts: So I tried putting some hair on him. I sorta do like it but I might try a different style for his crotch. Thoughts? Also this file is almost 300mb in size. Anyone else have drawing files that large? (~。~?)
commanderbutts: So I tried putting some hair on him. I sorta do like it but I might try a different style for his crotch. Thoughts? Also this file is almost 300mb in size. Anyone else have drawing files that large? (~。~?)
commanderbutts: So I tried putting some hair on him. I sorta do like it but I might try a different style for his crotch. Thoughts? Also this file is almost 300mb in size. Anyone else have drawing files that large? (~。~?)