sandorclegane: saying bye to dogs is so stressful like….when u say “bye” to someone theyre like “bye” and they know ur leaving but when u say it to a dog do they know youre not leaving them forever? when u say good night to a dog do they know
sandorclegane: saying bye to dogs is so stressful like….when u say “bye” to someone theyre like “bye” and they know ur leaving but when u say it to a dog do they know youre not leaving them forever? when u say good night to a dog do they know
sandorclegane: saying bye to dogs is so stressful like….when u say “bye” to someone theyre like “bye” and they know ur leaving but when u say it to a dog do they know youre not leaving them forever? when u say good night to a dog do they know
sandorclegane: saying bye to dogs is so stressful like….when u say “bye” to someone theyre like “bye” and they know ur leaving but when u say it to a dog do they know youre not leaving them forever? when u say good night to a dog do they know
sandorclegane: saying bye to dogs is so stressful like….when u say “bye” to someone theyre like “bye” and they know ur leaving but when u say it to a dog do they know youre not leaving them forever? when u say good night to a dog do they know
sandorclegane: saying bye to dogs is so stressful like….when u say “bye” to someone theyre like “bye” and they know ur leaving but when u say it to a dog do they know youre not leaving them forever? when u say good night to a dog do they know
sandorclegane: saying bye to dogs is so stressful like….when u say “bye” to someone theyre like “bye” and they know ur leaving but when u say it to a dog do they know youre not leaving them forever? when u say good night to a dog do they know
sandorclegane: saying bye to dogs is so stressful like….when u say “bye” to someone theyre like “bye” and they know ur leaving but when u say it to a dog do they know youre not leaving them forever? when u say good night to a dog do they know
sandorclegane: saying bye to dogs is so stressful like….when u say “bye” to someone theyre like “bye” and they know ur leaving but when u say it to a dog do they know youre not leaving them forever? when u say good night to a dog do they know
sandorclegane: saying bye to dogs is so stressful like….when u say “bye” to someone theyre like “bye” and they know ur leaving but when u say it to a dog do they know youre not leaving them forever? when u say good night to a dog do they know
sandorclegane: saying bye to dogs is so stressful like….when u say “bye” to someone theyre like “bye” and they know ur leaving but when u say it to a dog do they know youre not leaving them forever? when u say good night to a dog do they know