bimbeth: mencomefirst: As an object, it is imperative that the female focus on what Men want- her body, not her brain, her appearance, not her mind. Boobs over brains. Body over brains. Bimbo is better. “F” is for fuckdoll. The female is a plaything
bimbeth: mencomefirst: As an object, it is imperative that the female focus on what Men want- her body, not her brain, her appearance, not her mind. Boobs over brains. Body over brains. Bimbo is better. “F” is for fuckdoll. The female is a plaything
bimbeth: mencomefirst: As an object, it is imperative that the female focus on what Men want- her body, not her brain, her appearance, not her mind. Boobs over brains. Body over brains. Bimbo is better. “F” is for fuckdoll. The female is a plaything
bimbeth: mencomefirst: As an object, it is imperative that the female focus on what Men want- her body, not her brain, her appearance, not her mind. Boobs over brains. Body over brains. Bimbo is better. “F” is for fuckdoll. The female is a plaything
bimbeth: mencomefirst: As an object, it is imperative that the female focus on what Men want- her body, not her brain, her appearance, not her mind. Boobs over brains. Body over brains. Bimbo is better. “F” is for fuckdoll. The female is a plaything