unexplained-events: r55r5r: unexplained-events: The Lakes of Kelimutu - Indonesia The lakes of Kelimutu are three crater lakes which change colors(black, blue, green, and red) overtime due to volcanic activity that started millions of years ago. Locals
unexplained-events: r55r5r: unexplained-events: The Lakes of Kelimutu - Indonesia The lakes of Kelimutu are three crater lakes which change colors(black, blue, green, and red) overtime due to volcanic activity that started millions of years ago. Locals
unexplained-events: r55r5r: unexplained-events: The Lakes of Kelimutu - Indonesia The lakes of Kelimutu are three crater lakes which change colors(black, blue, green, and red) overtime due to volcanic activity that started millions of years ago. Locals
unexplained-events: r55r5r: unexplained-events: The Lakes of Kelimutu - Indonesia The lakes of Kelimutu are three crater lakes which change colors(black, blue, green, and red) overtime due to volcanic activity that started millions of years ago. Locals