cenobiteme: Javier Pérez: En Puntas (2013) Video installation of variable measurements comprising:Sculpture: pointe shoes, stainless steel knivesVideo projection: HD blu-ray, with sound, screened on a wall9’ A ballerina, whose pointe shoes are extended
cenobiteme: Javier Pérez: En Puntas (2013) Video installation of variable measurements comprising:Sculpture: pointe shoes, stainless steel knivesVideo projection: HD blu-ray, with sound, screened on a wall9’ A ballerina, whose pointe shoes are extended
cenobiteme: Javier Pérez: En Puntas (2013) Video installation of variable measurements comprising:Sculpture: pointe shoes, stainless steel knivesVideo projection: HD blu-ray, with sound, screened on a wall9’ A ballerina, whose pointe shoes are extended
cenobiteme: Javier Pérez: En Puntas (2013) Video installation of variable measurements comprising:Sculpture: pointe shoes, stainless steel knivesVideo projection: HD blu-ray, with sound, screened on a wall9’ A ballerina, whose pointe shoes are extended
cenobiteme: Javier Pérez: En Puntas (2013) Video installation of variable measurements comprising:Sculpture: pointe shoes, stainless steel knivesVideo projection: HD blu-ray, with sound, screened on a wall9’ A ballerina, whose pointe shoes are extended
cenobiteme: Javier Pérez: En Puntas (2013) Video installation of variable measurements comprising:Sculpture: pointe shoes, stainless steel knivesVideo projection: HD blu-ray, with sound, screened on a wall9’ A ballerina, whose pointe shoes are extended
cenobiteme: Javier Pérez: En Puntas (2013) Video installation of variable measurements comprising:Sculpture: pointe shoes, stainless steel knivesVideo projection: HD blu-ray, with sound, screened on a wall9’ A ballerina, whose pointe shoes are extended
cenobiteme: Javier Pérez: En Puntas (2013) Video installation of variable measurements comprising:Sculpture: pointe shoes, stainless steel knivesVideo projection: HD blu-ray, with sound, screened on a wall9’ A ballerina, whose pointe shoes are extended