c-hillvibes: This is my Dad. Yes I know its a diamond. When my Dad passed away we decided to cremate him. We kept most of the ashes, sprinkled some in his favourite place, but we save some for this. My sister and I each got one. They are real diamonds.
c-hillvibes: This is my Dad. Yes I know its a diamond. When my Dad passed away we decided to cremate him. We kept most of the ashes, sprinkled some in his favourite place, but we save some for this. My sister and I each got one. They are real diamonds.
c-hillvibes: This is my Dad. Yes I know its a diamond. When my Dad passed away we decided to cremate him. We kept most of the ashes, sprinkled some in his favourite place, but we save some for this. My sister and I each got one. They are real diamonds.