blacklongfellow: My son, Jamal, and his homie, Chris needed help picking up some DJ speakers in Augusta, Georgia – a 24 hour drive round trip. Tired from driving, we found a cheap motel off the highway. To save money and keep bills in our pockets,
blacklongfellow: My son, Jamal, and his homie, Chris needed help picking up some DJ speakers in Augusta, Georgia – a 24 hour drive round trip. Tired from driving, we found a cheap motel off the highway. To save money and keep bills in our pockets,
blacklongfellow: My son, Jamal, and his homie, Chris needed help picking up some DJ speakers in Augusta, Georgia – a 24 hour drive round trip. Tired from driving, we found a cheap motel off the highway. To save money and keep bills in our pockets,
blacklongfellow: My son, Jamal, and his homie, Chris needed help picking up some DJ speakers in Augusta, Georgia – a 24 hour drive round trip. Tired from driving, we found a cheap motel off the highway. To save money and keep bills in our pockets,