thatoneguy157: not-afraid-of-the–dark: eating-ass: my boyfriend and i were eating nachos and he was struggling to get the good stuff on his chip so i used my chip to push it on his and he stopped and looked up at me and said “THIS is the type
thatoneguy157: not-afraid-of-the–dark: eating-ass: my boyfriend and i were eating nachos and he was struggling to get the good stuff on his chip so i used my chip to push it on his and he stopped and looked up at me and said “THIS is the type
thatoneguy157: not-afraid-of-the–dark: eating-ass: my boyfriend and i were eating nachos and he was struggling to get the good stuff on his chip so i used my chip to push it on his and he stopped and looked up at me and said “THIS is the type
thatoneguy157: not-afraid-of-the–dark: eating-ass: my boyfriend and i were eating nachos and he was struggling to get the good stuff on his chip so i used my chip to push it on his and he stopped and looked up at me and said “THIS is the type