fumbledeegrumble: glumshoe: In retrospect, who tf gives an 8 year old a real sword to play with? And why was the answer not “my parents”? …IT’S EDUCATIONAL.
fumbledeegrumble: glumshoe: In retrospect, who tf gives an 8 year old a real sword to play with? And why was the answer not “my parents”? …IT’S EDUCATIONAL.
fumbledeegrumble: glumshoe: In retrospect, who tf gives an 8 year old a real sword to play with? And why was the answer not “my parents”? …IT’S EDUCATIONAL.
fumbledeegrumble: glumshoe: In retrospect, who tf gives an 8 year old a real sword to play with? And why was the answer not “my parents”? …IT’S EDUCATIONAL.
fumbledeegrumble: glumshoe: In retrospect, who tf gives an 8 year old a real sword to play with? And why was the answer not “my parents”? …IT’S EDUCATIONAL.
fumbledeegrumble: glumshoe: In retrospect, who tf gives an 8 year old a real sword to play with? And why was the answer not “my parents”? …IT’S EDUCATIONAL.
fumbledeegrumble: glumshoe: In retrospect, who tf gives an 8 year old a real sword to play with? And why was the answer not “my parents”? …IT’S EDUCATIONAL.
fumbledeegrumble: glumshoe: In retrospect, who tf gives an 8 year old a real sword to play with? And why was the answer not “my parents”? …IT’S EDUCATIONAL.
fumbledeegrumble: glumshoe: In retrospect, who tf gives an 8 year old a real sword to play with? And why was the answer not “my parents”? …IT’S EDUCATIONAL.
fumbledeegrumble: glumshoe: In retrospect, who tf gives an 8 year old a real sword to play with? And why was the answer not “my parents”? …IT’S EDUCATIONAL.
fumbledeegrumble: glumshoe: In retrospect, who tf gives an 8 year old a real sword to play with? And why was the answer not “my parents”? …IT’S EDUCATIONAL.
fumbledeegrumble: glumshoe: In retrospect, who tf gives an 8 year old a real sword to play with? And why was the answer not “my parents”? …IT’S EDUCATIONAL.