buffytags: #oh god spike and giles in the same space there is nothing i love more #every time they both say something english they feel community in amongst all these americans #which they both instantly hate (via ceceliatallis) #i love that
buffytags: #oh god spike and giles in the same space there is nothing i love more #every time they both say something english they feel community in amongst all these americans #which they both instantly hate (via ceceliatallis) #i love that
buffytags: #oh god spike and giles in the same space there is nothing i love more #every time they both say something english they feel community in amongst all these americans #which they both instantly hate (via ceceliatallis) #i love that
buffytags: #oh god spike and giles in the same space there is nothing i love more #every time they both say something english they feel community in amongst all these americans #which they both instantly hate (via ceceliatallis) #i love that
buffytags: #oh god spike and giles in the same space there is nothing i love more #every time they both say something english they feel community in amongst all these americans #which they both instantly hate (via ceceliatallis) #i love that