kurloz38: opossummypossum: cuddly opossum [x] OMG! This is the cutest thing! Opossums scent-mark much like cats do, by rubbing their chins on things. However, opossums lick the things first! LOL!
kurloz38: opossummypossum: cuddly opossum [x] OMG! This is the cutest thing! Opossums scent-mark much like cats do, by rubbing their chins on things. However, opossums lick the things first! LOL!
kurloz38: opossummypossum: cuddly opossum [x] OMG! This is the cutest thing! Opossums scent-mark much like cats do, by rubbing their chins on things. However, opossums lick the things first! LOL!
kurloz38: opossummypossum: cuddly opossum [x] OMG! This is the cutest thing! Opossums scent-mark much like cats do, by rubbing their chins on things. However, opossums lick the things first! LOL!
kurloz38: opossummypossum: cuddly opossum [x] OMG! This is the cutest thing! Opossums scent-mark much like cats do, by rubbing their chins on things. However, opossums lick the things first! LOL!