draxs: the first time i remember laying eyes on midgard the people still lived in caves and fought one another with stones and sticks. i came here only to make war and revelry. to be worshiped and feared. and above all else — to destroy. the world
draxs: the first time i remember laying eyes on midgard the people still lived in caves and fought one another with stones and sticks. i came here only to make war and revelry. to be worshiped and feared. and above all else — to destroy. the world
draxs: the first time i remember laying eyes on midgard the people still lived in caves and fought one another with stones and sticks. i came here only to make war and revelry. to be worshiped and feared. and above all else — to destroy. the world
draxs: the first time i remember laying eyes on midgard the people still lived in caves and fought one another with stones and sticks. i came here only to make war and revelry. to be worshiped and feared. and above all else — to destroy. the world