narghargs: narghargs: These were taken two years apart. Guess which one is happier! Okay so I posted this DAYS ago but last night it only had a bit over 100 notes. Idk how it blew up like this but I really appreciate that people felt the desire to
narghargs: narghargs: These were taken two years apart. Guess which one is happier! Okay so I posted this DAYS ago but last night it only had a bit over 100 notes. Idk how it blew up like this but I really appreciate that people felt the desire to
narghargs: narghargs: These were taken two years apart. Guess which one is happier! Okay so I posted this DAYS ago but last night it only had a bit over 100 notes. Idk how it blew up like this but I really appreciate that people felt the desire to