softbipolarity: knowing that that thing you’ve been putting off forever is never as difficult or time consuming as you think it’s going to be and that you will feel so much better when you’ve done it and still not being able to make yourself do
softbipolarity: knowing that that thing you’ve been putting off forever is never as difficult or time consuming as you think it’s going to be and that you will feel so much better when you’ve done it and still not being able to make yourself do
softbipolarity: knowing that that thing you’ve been putting off forever is never as difficult or time consuming as you think it’s going to be and that you will feel so much better when you’ve done it and still not being able to make yourself do
softbipolarity: knowing that that thing you’ve been putting off forever is never as difficult or time consuming as you think it’s going to be and that you will feel so much better when you’ve done it and still not being able to make yourself do