tecchen: i tried making an “octoling boy” based on my personal tastes and general knowledge of male octopi. the octolings’ japanese name is a portmanteau of octopus and amazones, which implies they’re female only, but if you look at sunken scroll
tecchen: i tried making an “octoling boy” based on my personal tastes and general knowledge of male octopi. the octolings’ japanese name is a portmanteau of octopus and amazones, which implies they’re female only, but if you look at sunken scroll
tecchen: i tried making an “octoling boy” based on my personal tastes and general knowledge of male octopi. the octolings’ japanese name is a portmanteau of octopus and amazones, which implies they’re female only, but if you look at sunken scroll
tecchen: i tried making an “octoling boy” based on my personal tastes and general knowledge of male octopi. the octolings’ japanese name is a portmanteau of octopus and amazones, which implies they’re female only, but if you look at sunken scroll