lumnch: lumnch: It sucks that pop team epic had a transphobic joke :( one of the fortunes in episode 2 said “terrible luck: you will be stalked by a crossdresser” or something to that effect That’s not as bad as it could’ve been, I’ll keep
lumnch: lumnch: It sucks that pop team epic had a transphobic joke :( one of the fortunes in episode 2 said “terrible luck: you will be stalked by a crossdresser” or something to that effect That’s not as bad as it could’ve been, I’ll keep
lumnch: lumnch: It sucks that pop team epic had a transphobic joke :( one of the fortunes in episode 2 said “terrible luck: you will be stalked by a crossdresser” or something to that effect That’s not as bad as it could’ve been, I’ll keep