hcandersen: The prequel to Life is Strange that they announced yesterday has already pulled this bullshit, there’s an extra playable episode (on top of the 3 that the game itself consists of) where you play as Max, and you can’t have it unless you
hcandersen: The prequel to Life is Strange that they announced yesterday has already pulled this bullshit, there’s an extra playable episode (on top of the 3 that the game itself consists of) where you play as Max, and you can’t have it unless you
hcandersen: The prequel to Life is Strange that they announced yesterday has already pulled this bullshit, there’s an extra playable episode (on top of the 3 that the game itself consists of) where you play as Max, and you can’t have it unless you
hcandersen: The prequel to Life is Strange that they announced yesterday has already pulled this bullshit, there’s an extra playable episode (on top of the 3 that the game itself consists of) where you play as Max, and you can’t have it unless you