unexplained-events: The Dybbuk or Dibbuk box (Hebrew, Kusfak Dibbuk) is a wine cabinet that is said to be haunted by a Dybbuk. A Dybbuk(abbreviation of dibbuk me-ru’aḥ ra’ah) is a malicious spirit, usually belonging to the dislocated soul of
unexplained-events: The Dybbuk or Dibbuk box (Hebrew, Kusfak Dibbuk) is a wine cabinet that is said to be haunted by a Dybbuk. A Dybbuk(abbreviation of dibbuk me-ru’aḥ ra’ah) is a malicious spirit, usually belonging to the dislocated soul of
unexplained-events: The Dybbuk or Dibbuk box (Hebrew, Kusfak Dibbuk) is a wine cabinet that is said to be haunted by a Dybbuk. A Dybbuk(abbreviation of dibbuk me-ru’aḥ ra’ah) is a malicious spirit, usually belonging to the dislocated soul of