justtraumathings: snoopingasusualisee: omoandthirst: phoneus: snoopingasusualisee: why does “pee your pants” invoke such a stronger and more threatening emotion than your standard “suck my dick” comeback does it’s nonsexual, it’s not
justtraumathings: snoopingasusualisee: omoandthirst: phoneus: snoopingasusualisee: why does “pee your pants” invoke such a stronger and more threatening emotion than your standard “suck my dick” comeback does it’s nonsexual, it’s not
justtraumathings: snoopingasusualisee: omoandthirst: phoneus: snoopingasusualisee: why does “pee your pants” invoke such a stronger and more threatening emotion than your standard “suck my dick” comeback does it’s nonsexual, it’s not