donghae861015: I’m tearing ! I heard a really happy piece of news in Japan ! Our dongsaengs Shinee received the best artist award ! Sending applauses to my dongsaengs who works harder than anyone elseI love you!God bless S H I N E E
donghae861015: I’m tearing ! I heard a really happy piece of news in Japan ! Our dongsaengs Shinee received the best artist award ! Sending applauses to my dongsaengs who works harder than anyone elseI love you!God bless S H I N E E
donghae861015: I’m tearing ! I heard a really happy piece of news in Japan ! Our dongsaengs Shinee received the best artist award ! Sending applauses to my dongsaengs who works harder than anyone elseI love you!God bless S H I N E E