zforzelma: ohdeargodwhy: A Midsummer Night’s Dream [x] What with the Mercutio/Romeo kiss from the other day I feel like I should have a tag specifically for “men kissing in Shakespeare plays even though it’s not in the text, but after 400 years
zforzelma: ohdeargodwhy: A Midsummer Night’s Dream [x] What with the Mercutio/Romeo kiss from the other day I feel like I should have a tag specifically for “men kissing in Shakespeare plays even though it’s not in the text, but after 400 years
zforzelma: ohdeargodwhy: A Midsummer Night’s Dream [x] What with the Mercutio/Romeo kiss from the other day I feel like I should have a tag specifically for “men kissing in Shakespeare plays even though it’s not in the text, but after 400 years
zforzelma: ohdeargodwhy: A Midsummer Night’s Dream [x] What with the Mercutio/Romeo kiss from the other day I feel like I should have a tag specifically for “men kissing in Shakespeare plays even though it’s not in the text, but after 400 years