trimandcopper: Maybe you’ve heard it called an Ionic Perm, sometimes it’s called a Spiral Perm,Japanese Perm, Korean Perm, or else a Hot Perm? It’s the same process involving perming your hair with hot-rollers which are connected to a heating
trimandcopper: Maybe you’ve heard it called an Ionic Perm, sometimes it’s called a Spiral Perm,Japanese Perm, Korean Perm, or else a Hot Perm? It’s the same process involving perming your hair with hot-rollers which are connected to a heating
trimandcopper: Maybe you’ve heard it called an Ionic Perm, sometimes it’s called a Spiral Perm,Japanese Perm, Korean Perm, or else a Hot Perm? It’s the same process involving perming your hair with hot-rollers which are connected to a heating