babemagi: Remember that code from scary-oke? “The man downstairs is very clever. can he hide is plans forever”Okay so we all associated this code with Grunkle Stan (which YES) but alsoBut… in light of DD&moreD….THE MAN DOWNSTAIRS IS VERY
babemagi: Remember that code from scary-oke? “The man downstairs is very clever. can he hide is plans forever”Okay so we all associated this code with Grunkle Stan (which YES) but alsoBut… in light of DD&moreD….THE MAN DOWNSTAIRS IS VERY
babemagi: Remember that code from scary-oke? “The man downstairs is very clever. can he hide is plans forever”Okay so we all associated this code with Grunkle Stan (which YES) but alsoBut… in light of DD&moreD….THE MAN DOWNSTAIRS IS VERY
babemagi: Remember that code from scary-oke? “The man downstairs is very clever. can he hide is plans forever”Okay so we all associated this code with Grunkle Stan (which YES) but alsoBut… in light of DD&moreD….THE MAN DOWNSTAIRS IS VERY
babemagi: Remember that code from scary-oke? “The man downstairs is very clever. can he hide is plans forever”Okay so we all associated this code with Grunkle Stan (which YES) but alsoBut… in light of DD&moreD….THE MAN DOWNSTAIRS IS VERY
babemagi: Remember that code from scary-oke? “The man downstairs is very clever. can he hide is plans forever”Okay so we all associated this code with Grunkle Stan (which YES) but alsoBut… in light of DD&moreD….THE MAN DOWNSTAIRS IS VERY