ultrafacts: Pictures above-1. @ used to signify French “à” (“at”) from a 1674 protocol from a Swedish court 2. @ symbol used as the initial “a” for the “amin” (amen) formula in the Bulgarian translation of the Manasses Chronicle
ultrafacts: Pictures above-1. @ used to signify French “à” (“at”) from a 1674 protocol from a Swedish court 2. @ symbol used as the initial “a” for the “amin” (amen) formula in the Bulgarian translation of the Manasses Chronicle
ultrafacts: Pictures above-1. @ used to signify French “à” (“at”) from a 1674 protocol from a Swedish court 2. @ symbol used as the initial “a” for the “amin” (amen) formula in the Bulgarian translation of the Manasses Chronicle
ultrafacts: Pictures above-1. @ used to signify French “à” (“at”) from a 1674 protocol from a Swedish court 2. @ symbol used as the initial “a” for the “amin” (amen) formula in the Bulgarian translation of the Manasses Chronicle