scallylad89: Karma Mark was a successful entrepreneur, traveling the world sealing all sorts of lucrative business deals. He was tall and a very heavy build, helped by owning his own private gym and personal trainer, his big presence only made him feel
scallylad89: Karma Mark was a successful entrepreneur, traveling the world sealing all sorts of lucrative business deals. He was tall and a very heavy build, helped by owning his own private gym and personal trainer, his big presence only made him feel
scallylad89: Karma Mark was a successful entrepreneur, traveling the world sealing all sorts of lucrative business deals. He was tall and a very heavy build, helped by owning his own private gym and personal trainer, his big presence only made him feel
scallylad89: Karma Mark was a successful entrepreneur, traveling the world sealing all sorts of lucrative business deals. He was tall and a very heavy build, helped by owning his own private gym and personal trainer, his big presence only made him feel