Sound versionBLEACHEDBLACKEDSoundless versionWhiteWebmGfycatAndroidWebmGfycatThis one has 90 frames = 9 MBMy last yen animation had 180 frames or so and it’s 2.5 mb. What the fuck? It’s always so inconsistent.
Sound versionBLEACHEDBLACKEDSoundless versionWhiteWebmGfycatAndroidWebmGfycatThis one has 90 frames = 9 MBMy last yen animation had 180 frames or so and it’s 2.5 mb. What the fuck? It’s always so inconsistent.
Sound versionBLEACHEDBLACKEDSoundless versionWhiteWebmGfycatAndroidWebmGfycatThis one has 90 frames = 9 MBMy last yen animation had 180 frames or so and it’s 2.5 mb. What the fuck? It’s always so inconsistent.