Sound versionsBLEACHEDBLACKEDSoundless versionsW(hite)itcherWebmGfycatB(lack)itcherWebmGfycatSomehow the webms are 15MB. I used the max quality but it’s still 250% bigger than every webm before.
Sound versionsBLEACHEDBLACKEDSoundless versionsW(hite)itcherWebmGfycatB(lack)itcherWebmGfycatSomehow the webms are 15MB. I used the max quality but it’s still 250% bigger than every webm before.
Sound versionsBLEACHEDBLACKEDSoundless versionsW(hite)itcherWebmGfycatB(lack)itcherWebmGfycatSomehow the webms are 15MB. I used the max quality but it’s still 250% bigger than every webm before.