Sound versionsBLEACHEDBLACKEDSoundless versionsBLEACHEDWebmGfycatBLACKEDWebmGfycatIf anyone knows why the sound versions are having such a shit choppy loop, tell me. I can kind of guess, but that’s stupid.This stupid shit always kills the mood. Fucking
Sound versionsBLEACHEDBLACKEDSoundless versionsBLEACHEDWebmGfycatBLACKEDWebmGfycatIf anyone knows why the sound versions are having such a shit choppy loop, tell me. I can kind of guess, but that’s stupid.This stupid shit always kills the mood. Fucking
Sound versionsBLEACHEDBLACKEDSoundless versionsBLEACHEDWebmGfycatBLACKEDWebmGfycatIf anyone knows why the sound versions are having such a shit choppy loop, tell me. I can kind of guess, but that’s stupid.This stupid shit always kills the mood. Fucking