askthedadscar: So, um, bit of an issue. When I was on Tumblr via mobile, something happened. And now all the asks are g one. So, it’d be great to get some asks to draw! Please send any in if you’d like.
askthedadscar: So, um, bit of an issue. When I was on Tumblr via mobile, something happened. And now all the asks are g one. So, it’d be great to get some asks to draw! Please send any in if you’d like.
askthedadscar: So, um, bit of an issue. When I was on Tumblr via mobile, something happened. And now all the asks are g one. So, it’d be great to get some asks to draw! Please send any in if you’d like.
askthedadscar: So, um, bit of an issue. When I was on Tumblr via mobile, something happened. And now all the asks are g one. So, it’d be great to get some asks to draw! Please send any in if you’d like.