Official Steven Universe synopsis: The series revolves around Steven Universe, who protects his hometown of Beach City alongside Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl, three magical alien guardians known as the Crystal Gems. Me, a college graduate: Some failed rocks
Official Steven Universe synopsis: The series revolves around Steven Universe, who protects his hometown of Beach City alongside Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl, three magical alien guardians known as the Crystal Gems. Me, a college graduate: Some failed rocks
Official Steven Universe synopsis: The series revolves around Steven Universe, who protects his hometown of Beach City alongside Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl, three magical alien guardians known as the Crystal Gems. Me, a college graduate: Some failed rocks
Official Steven Universe synopsis: The series revolves around Steven Universe, who protects his hometown of Beach City alongside Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl, three magical alien guardians known as the Crystal Gems. Me, a college graduate: Some failed rocks
Official Steven Universe synopsis: The series revolves around Steven Universe, who protects his hometown of Beach City alongside Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl, three magical alien guardians known as the Crystal Gems. Me, a college graduate: Some failed rocks
Official Steven Universe synopsis: The series revolves around Steven Universe, who protects his hometown of Beach City alongside Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl, three magical alien guardians known as the Crystal Gems. Me, a college graduate: Some failed rocks
Official Steven Universe synopsis: The series revolves around Steven Universe, who protects his hometown of Beach City alongside Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl, three magical alien guardians known as the Crystal Gems. Me, a college graduate: Some failed rocks
Official Steven Universe synopsis: The series revolves around Steven Universe, who protects his hometown of Beach City alongside Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl, three magical alien guardians known as the Crystal Gems. Me, a college graduate: Some failed rocks
Official Steven Universe synopsis: The series revolves around Steven Universe, who protects his hometown of Beach City alongside Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl, three magical alien guardians known as the Crystal Gems. Me, a college graduate: Some failed rocks
Official Steven Universe synopsis: The series revolves around Steven Universe, who protects his hometown of Beach City alongside Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl, three magical alien guardians known as the Crystal Gems. Me, a college graduate: Some failed rocks