geometricstars: When going into dressing rooms, always ALWAYS test the mirrors to see if they are double sided. On normal mirrors, when you touch your finger to it, there is a gap between your real finger and its reflection. If there is someone on the
geometricstars: When going into dressing rooms, always ALWAYS test the mirrors to see if they are double sided. On normal mirrors, when you touch your finger to it, there is a gap between your real finger and its reflection. If there is someone on the
geometricstars: When going into dressing rooms, always ALWAYS test the mirrors to see if they are double sided. On normal mirrors, when you touch your finger to it, there is a gap between your real finger and its reflection. If there is someone on the
geometricstars: When going into dressing rooms, always ALWAYS test the mirrors to see if they are double sided. On normal mirrors, when you touch your finger to it, there is a gap between your real finger and its reflection. If there is someone on the
geometricstars: When going into dressing rooms, always ALWAYS test the mirrors to see if they are double sided. On normal mirrors, when you touch your finger to it, there is a gap between your real finger and its reflection. If there is someone on the