hosomamo: I guess I’ll provide some context(?) for things. Anyone who follows the JPN twitter side should already be aware so just a brief summary. 3rd September 2017: Kaji Yuki’s birthday eventKaji said he wanted to visit Hosoya while he was recuperatin
hosomamo: I guess I’ll provide some context(?) for things. Anyone who follows the JPN twitter side should already be aware so just a brief summary. 3rd September 2017: Kaji Yuki’s birthday eventKaji said he wanted to visit Hosoya while he was recuperatin
hosomamo: I guess I’ll provide some context(?) for things. Anyone who follows the JPN twitter side should already be aware so just a brief summary. 3rd September 2017: Kaji Yuki’s birthday eventKaji said he wanted to visit Hosoya while he was recuperatin