Adorable animated “AR Postcards” of the YOI chibi character designs from the Tokyu Hands collaboration!Otabek why so adorableAnd omg him and Yuri are the only ones with matching flip flops (!)
Adorable animated “AR Postcards” of the YOI chibi character designs from the Tokyu Hands collaboration!Otabek why so adorableAnd omg him and Yuri are the only ones with matching flip flops (!)
Adorable animated “AR Postcards” of the YOI chibi character designs from the Tokyu Hands collaboration!Otabek why so adorableAnd omg him and Yuri are the only ones with matching flip flops (!)
Adorable animated “AR Postcards” of the YOI chibi character designs from the Tokyu Hands collaboration!Otabek why so adorableAnd omg him and Yuri are the only ones with matching flip flops (!)