the-blank-master:Have you ever considered a still lake of water? Think of the placid surface of the water in your mind. Calm, unmoving, completely blank at peace with its surroundings. But still minds lakes are easily distracted disrupted by even the
the-blank-master:Have you ever considered a still lake of water? Think of the placid surface of the water in your mind. Calm, unmoving, completely blank at peace with its surroundings. But still minds lakes are easily distracted disrupted by even the
the-blank-master:Have you ever considered a still lake of water? Think of the placid surface of the water in your mind. Calm, unmoving, completely blank at peace with its surroundings. But still minds lakes are easily distracted disrupted by even the
the-blank-master:Have you ever considered a still lake of water? Think of the placid surface of the water in your mind. Calm, unmoving, completely blank at peace with its surroundings. But still minds lakes are easily distracted disrupted by even the