Just saw this movie The Eagle and the Hawk (1933) one of Cary Grants early movies when he wasn’t quite the star we think of him as being today. I snagged the last picture from a frame of the movie because it really hi-lited his great looks. Believe
Just saw this movie The Eagle and the Hawk (1933) one of Cary Grants early movies when he wasn’t quite the star we think of him as being today. I snagged the last picture from a frame of the movie because it really hi-lited his great looks. Believe
Just saw this movie The Eagle and the Hawk (1933) one of Cary Grants early movies when he wasn’t quite the star we think of him as being today. I snagged the last picture from a frame of the movie because it really hi-lited his great looks. Believe
Just saw this movie The Eagle and the Hawk (1933) one of Cary Grants early movies when he wasn’t quite the star we think of him as being today. I snagged the last picture from a frame of the movie because it really hi-lited his great looks. Believe