“Osomatsu-san” (Swapped Opening Song)So, in a conscious effort to waste the Internet’s collective time, I took the first opening for “Osomatsu-san” (the best opening) and lazily placed the song from the second one (the best song) on top of
“Osomatsu-san” (Swapped Opening Song)So, in a conscious effort to waste the Internet’s collective time, I took the first opening for “Osomatsu-san” (the best opening) and lazily placed the song from the second one (the best song) on top of
“Osomatsu-san” (Swapped Opening Song)So, in a conscious effort to waste the Internet’s collective time, I took the first opening for “Osomatsu-san” (the best opening) and lazily placed the song from the second one (the best song) on top of
“Osomatsu-san” (Swapped Opening Song)So, in a conscious effort to waste the Internet’s collective time, I took the first opening for “Osomatsu-san” (the best opening) and lazily placed the song from the second one (the best song) on top of