Very high strength and very high size gains.The following cycle is designed with male, weighing 100KG, in mind. To adjust for the properdosage for your weight, figure a factor of 10% / 10KG of body weight. Example: If you weigh 110KG,increase the dosage
Very high strength and very high size gains.The following cycle is designed with male, weighing 100KG, in mind. To adjust for the properdosage for your weight, figure a factor of 10% / 10KG of body weight. Example: If you weigh 110KG,increase the dosage
Very high strength and very high size gains.The following cycle is designed with male, weighing 100KG, in mind. To adjust for the properdosage for your weight, figure a factor of 10% / 10KG of body weight. Example: If you weigh 110KG,increase the dosage
Very high strength and very high size gains.The following cycle is designed with male, weighing 100KG, in mind. To adjust for the properdosage for your weight, figure a factor of 10% / 10KG of body weight. Example: If you weigh 110KG,increase the dosage