Viorica vs. The Deck Bolts Viorica loves to escape so every once in awhile I have to go over the top. A few spare 2x4’s, pipe strapping, and 3.5" (9cm) deck bolts was all it took. Initially she thought she could slip out until the first bolts
Viorica vs. The Deck Bolts Viorica loves to escape so every once in awhile I have to go over the top. A few spare 2x4’s, pipe strapping, and 3.5" (9cm) deck bolts was all it took. Initially she thought she could slip out until the first bolts
Viorica vs. The Deck Bolts Viorica loves to escape so every once in awhile I have to go over the top. A few spare 2x4’s, pipe strapping, and 3.5" (9cm) deck bolts was all it took. Initially she thought she could slip out until the first bolts